Here, then are a wide range of links that I regularly browse, organised into sections related to the segments of my web page! Clever, huh? Then to follow, there's a couple more random links to other stuff.

I know sometimes the whole web just seems like one massive loop linking friends' pages, to other friends' pages, but I hope if you found the other content of my homepage interesting, then hopefully you'll enjoy this little lot also!

MBUK.COM Mountain Biking UK
Marin Marin's UK homepage with info on these wonderful bikes! (of course I'm biased!)
Pace Tip Top British bikes. The only Mountain Bikes on display in the Millennium Dome, you know
Merlin Top-flight US Titanium gurus
Vespa And finally, for those lazy cycling engine!

danny bakerMonkeys... they're here for our entertainment!
BBC Radio 1 DJ Profile I 'rescued' this just before Danny's Radio 1 shows were axed. Has been sporadically updated, and so is now a bit of a mishmash.
Danny Baker's Internet Treehouse A fan website with lots of audio clips!
BBC London BBC London, with Danny Baker's section of top-10 lists, etc.

music - it's the root of all evil, and the cause of much joy - A. Einstein
Beautiful South The old Go! Discs pages which I rescued just 1 day before the label died and the web site disappeared. Now there's psychic ability for you!
Interplanetary Luggage Mix Ups A top CD of music from student bands from the University of Surrey. Housewife! Rubber Soul! Jo Holland! Fiona Wareham! The Ofay Jazz Quintet!
DarkState New Musical Expression from Mr. Marc Francois;
Barenaked Ladies Great Canadian band you may have heard of!
Hootie & the Blowfish Superb band. Superb voice. Silly name.
Q online Daily doses of the monthly magazine for music and more
Ultimate band list Listings of lots of bands, and websites all about them. Lists fan sites and official ones!

other stuff
- a collection of links to interesting places, and places of interest. Nothing rude, mind you!
UK Student Nurse Adventures of a student nurse
MetaFlesh One of the UK's top Body Piercing studios.
Virgin Virgin is a top place for current affairs on the web, and other stuff. Like a TV guide!
UniS University of Surrey Homepage
UniS Department of Electronic Engineering, Mathematics & IT
USSU Student's Union
Comic Relief See how much was raised last time year, and have get info on what's happening next time!
Notting Hill Carnival Carnival website has some live videos on the day, but I suggest going myself...
Stephen Fry Woo-hoo! It's been updated at last!
Ä Rather strange, but has some good Java games - if you can find them!
Tony Hart Hooray!

That's where I spend my time, when I feel like having a look at some interesting stuff on the web. Go get to it. Or go home, call some friends, go out for a beer.