Hello, I'm Kyle. Welcome to my world...
Mr Silly

Well, as you probably know by now I am Kyle. Kyle Michael Thompson. What have I got to offer you? Well, here in this rather personal little hole you can find my CV (dull at the moment, and probably dull for all time) A little story about myself in a few pages. It's all so exciting.
What have I got to say about this chap here? Well, it's Mr Silly, of course. In later years he has become my hero and alter ego, thanks to some stuff I did at university. Well, on with the main course.

A Little Story About Myself: Parts 1-5
Well, It's a little story about myself. Getting bigger all the time
A Little Story About Myself: Parts 6-10 Well, It's a little story about myself, continued.
So what do I actually do? Okay, that's what I've done with my life, but what do I actually do? Well, maybe this might explain some things...
My CV Terribly dull, but it's the only CV I've got. And hey! You never know you might be the employer I dream of...

That's it, go look at one of those places, or go somewhere else.